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Welcome to Her Medical Journal, in this blog I'll be exploring the depths of healthcare, medicine, advancements in medical technology, as well as documenting my journey through a series of blog posts. As of now, I'm currently a rising high school junior interested in learning and expanding my knowledge of medicine. In these past few months, I've developed what some would call an "infatuation" with healthcare and the lifestyle of a medical practitioner, but little did I know what medicine truly is, what it represents, and how it is constantly changing and evolving to serve those in need. My infatuation with medicine has led me to this point, in which I'm sitting in my bedroom typing away at my computer, finally being able to establish premises of my curiosity. I've asked myself countless times, what is medicine? What about it sparks my interest? What can I, as a 16 year old with no resources except Google and her local library, gain from this developed interest in medicine? These questions are the purpose of this blog, my wish is to find an answer to the "why?" behind healthcare. To not only educate myself, but inspire myself to find a passion for medicine and healthcare. People around me surround themselves with hobbies, interests, and passions and for the longest time I perceived myself as a quitter, one who gives up on her interests and doesn't take the next step forward. This leads me to my overarching purpose of this blog, to pursue my passion and to change my infatuation with medicine into an everlasting love, to take that next step and continue foward. In addition, I want to keep this blog raw and the whole-hearted truth, which means it might entail some sarcastic humor, some insecurities, some grammar mistakes, and some imperfections. Yet, as this blog grows, so will I and hopefully I'll be able to truly entertain a more educated and knowledgeable me in the future. To end this post, I'll share a quote I found which resonated with me.

Medicine is not only a science: it is also an art. It does not consist of compounding pills and plasters: it deals with the very processes of life, which must be understood before they may be guided." 
Intriguing, is it not? Join me on my journey through this blog, and let us learn what the enormously daunting field of medicine has in store for us.


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